Battling the Storm Within

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Understanding of Resilience and Spirituality with Trauma

This review article will investigate the issue of resiliency and spirituality in relation to trauma in particular Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder based on current and available literature. With the epidemic suicide rates of veterans, we cannot just look at one aspect or side and expect an answer on how to treat the injuries from war. People are unique as individuals, and thus there is no one size fits all treatment or answer for helping our military and veterans. This paper will discuss multiple components such as PTSD, symptoms, and the neural circuits in PTSD. These resilience programs, the Army in particular, are said to make a military member more resilient. What the military considers components of a resilient warrior, and “Bounce.” This paper will also look at the studies on military resilience and the expected outcomes of these programs. And also discuss treatments, both spiritually and professionally and how they help to build resiliency and encourage Post Traumatic Growth.


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